torsdag 17 september 2015

Harry "Sweets" Edison - Willow Weep For Me

Harry "Sweets" Edison - Willow Weep For Me

He was the one in the earlier clip.

It was Lester Young who gave him his nickname, "Sweets".

 Here is another jazzcat, that almost every night sat in at the gigs, at the local JazzClub called  "Bohemia" in Malmö (Sweden) Guess who?

This jazzclub was at Regementsgatan in Malmö, and in the 70´s they had conserts at least 3 nights a week and Fridaynights it was "fusion" jam and Saturdays was for "real" jazz. You could say it was a local pub small, but always crowded both by listeners and the "students" of the Jazzhighschool or the Music-highschool as well. We were recomended by the teachers to check these guys up. These famus jazzcats (most of them) lived in Copenhagen at that time and worked both with the Danish Music Conservatory, and also with the Danish Radio Big Band. They also made many conserts at the famus Danish Jazzclub Montmartre in Copenhagen.




Moore of these cats tomorrow.

  Today the house is still there and still has the "Folkuniversitetet" as an office. The jazzclub
 was at  the streetfloor. It is history today..

Check this picture. Click the grey line below, please.,13.0001989,3a,90y,166.18h,95.5t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s5j_Z-Ie7xFyg46kjlTBAOQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1


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